ID: be.slievens.kinderkribbe
Size: 0 Mb
Kinderkribbe - Daycare Screen Preview
How to install Kinderkribbe - Daycare apk for android
- For Android 4.0 or higher:Please to Settings, look down to Security, and select Unknown sources. Choosing this choice will enable to install apps download from the internet.
- For devices running on lower Android 4.0:
Please go to Settings - open the Applications option, and select Unknown sources, click OK on the popup alert.
Kinderkribbe - Daycare Details
KINDERKRIBBE is an application that initially aims to bring child daycare centers and parents closer together. We do this by enabling the nurseries to register activities quickly and share them immediately with the parents. In fact, it comes down to the digitization of the back-and-forth booklet.THIS APP IS MEANT FOR THE CHILDCARE CENTERS OR KINDERGARTENS. Our other app, "Kinderkribbe - Parents", is specifically meant for the parents.
The app in addition allows storing the child’s check in and out at the center and all information that is needed to support accurate reporting of occupancy rates, and to share contact information of the children in the center.
Finally our application allows to share photos. Taking and sharing pictures is child's play with our app. It makes it even more worth while to work with the app. And you get the positive reactions of the parents afterwards as a bonus...
It will come as no surprise that the security of your data is important to us.
Our solution shares data using the world wide web and we are doing so in a safe way, actually the same way as used for other critical mobile applications, such as banking apps.
Our application is completely FREE for nurseries. You need to register for an account though at
Good to know:
KINDERKRIBBE was awarded the 1st prize of the jury at the AppsMarathon 2013 MobileMondays in Brussels.
*** For more information please visit our website: ***
What's new in Kinderkribbe - Daycare
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