ID: adr.kuku
Version: 2.0.0
Size: 0 Mb
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Kuku(to master Multiplication) Details
This is the app to learn multiplication used "Kuku" method."Kuku" is well known as a way of memorizing multiplication in Japan. "Kuku" math flash cards are close to American ones. The pronunciations that they repeat remind them of the multiplication.
Anyway, the app has two modes.
One is an auto repeat mode and the other is a listening mode. The common function is that the robot reads out each of the flash cards. And you can start the multiplication at anywhere you want. The text-to-speech robot reads out the multiplication that is displayed on the screen. However the speech reading out is removed "times" and "equal" mark from the multiplication. The mathematical formula is not read out literally. For example, "2x3=6" is simply pronounced "two three six".
This is a "Kuku" way of remembering the multiplication as one word.
And when you choose on spinner button, you can start from any position of the flash cards that you want such "2x3=4", "5x6=30", and so on.
Well, the auto repeat mode has various functions on which you are going to like a math.
When you use it, you do not need tapping but just saying. Following the word the robot read out, you say the same one. When the word you said matches one the robot does, you get praise. Otherwise, you can retry it. The robot asks you what you want after the exchange is failed several times. The request is to move to next multiplication of the flash cards, to retry or to interrupt it.
Only by the voice, you can control up to these things.
You need not look for the question and the answer in the multiplication table anymore.
Next, talking about a listening mode
The mode just says it out loud in the flash cards. A next multiplication flash card appears and the robot says it out loud when you tap a right arrow button. And when you tap a left arrow button, the previous card appears.
We recommend it if you would like to listen the many cards in a short time.
About "Kuku"
"Kuku" is well known as a way of memorizing multiplication in Japan. American and Japanese students begin to learn a multiplication from second grade. The difference between America and Japan is the main math educational material. In America, a Times Table is used generally. On the other hand, Japanese students use the flash cards.
A ratio of students who master the multiplication amazes us. The most of Japanese students master it during second grade. On the one hand, according to one study, 38% of American university students do not master it.
American students try to master by entirely writing the multiplication. Of course they also say it out loud for memorizing by using times tables 1-12. But it might be a little longer by using the times tables. To be precise, you should say "nine times one equals (or is) nine" when "9x1=1" is said.
The shorter words, the easier they can remember them.
"Kuku" is to speak a multiplication which is removed the marks such "times" and "equal". For example, "9x1=1" is simply pronounced "nine-one-one". In addition, Japanese students say it out loud with the rhythm. If you listen to their saying "one-one-two", "one-two-two" and "one-three -three" in a straight, you might feel any rhythm like a rap. Students can remember words with a rhythm easily.
Anyway, In general, the times tables are supplied to American students in second grade. The only times tables are understandable by 1 to 12. It is very useful for them to figure the multiplication out in short time.
However, they might give up it when they glance at the Times Tables because the Times Tables 1-12 has too many squares.
On the other hand, Japanese students use flash cards step by step.
The amount of the multiplication is the same.
But avoiding too much information makes them relaxed. Therefore, they might master it faster.
What's new in Kuku(to master Multiplication) 2.0.0
some bugs is fixedDownload Kuku(to master Multiplication) 2.0.0 unlimited APK
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